By their professional support in the project work, the conceptual development, the professional network and the onsite implementation, the large number of our dedicated professional trade fair partners makes steinexpo the central meeting point for the European raw and building materials industry.
The German Aggregates Federation (MIRO) represents the gravel and sand, quartz and natural stone industry in the areas of taxation/business administration, resource management/environmental/reuse, legislation, occupational safety, mining and processing technology, and application technology/standards at federal and European level.
UEPG stands for "Union Européenne des Producteurs de Granulats" (European Aggregates Association).
The UEPG represents the European aggregates industry in Brussels, with members in 24 countries. The UEPG represents issues of importance to industry with European institutions and other stakeholders on behalf of its members.
The German Association for Construction Industry Engineers and Professionals (VDBUM) is a professional advocacy group that represents its members in all aspects of professional life and is a forum for construction professionals.
Their members include both users and manufacturers of construction machinery with their sales and service partners.
The VDMA represents more than 3500 German and European mechanical and plant engineering companies. The industry stands for innovation, export orientation and medium-sized companies. The companies employ a total of around 3 million people in the EU-27, more than 1.2 million of them in Germany alone. This makes mechanical and plant engineering the largest employer among the capital goods industries, both in the EU-27 and in Germany.
The DA sees itself as a lobbyist, service provider and motor of the industry and is the largest national association in the demolition industry in Europe with currently over 750 members from a wide range of sectors. On a European level, the DA influences the demolition industry by participating in the European Demolition Association EDA.