

Arriving by car Please use the following address for your navigation system:

Basalt quarry of Mitteldeutsche Hartstein-Industrie AG (MHI),
Am Steinbruch 1
35315 Homberg/Nieder-Ofleiden.

From the "Homberg/Ohm" junction, please follow the local signs to steinexpo.
Arrival by bus and train Various RMV (Rhine-Main Transport Association) bus lines stop at the "Am Steinbruch" stop in Homberg/Nieder-Ofleiden.

To get there, simply use their portal RMV.DE or the Deutsche Bahn portal www.bahn.de.

Alternatively, you can take a train to Kirchhain (Kassel district) and from there take a taxi to Homberg/Nieder-Ofleiden.

Taxi Pfaff: +49 6422-94000
Taxi Kilavuz: +49 6422-1333
Arriving by plane If you are arriving by plane, we recommend flying to Frankfurt/Main Airport, which is 90 km away.
Contact addresses for overnight accommodation Fremdenverkehrsamt Rathaus Homberg
Marktstrasse 26, 35315 Homberg (Ohm)
Phone: +49 66 33/1 84-43
E-Mail: tourist-info@homberg.de

Marburg Stadt und Land Tourismus GmbH
Erwin-Piscator-Haus, Biegenstraße 15, 35057 Marburg
Phone: +49 64 21/99 12 0
E-Mail: info@marburg-tourismus.de

Vulkanregion Vogelsberg Tourismus GmbH
Am Vulkaneum 1, 63679 Schotten
Phone: +49 6044 96693-0, Fax: -29
E-Mail: info@vogelsberg-touristik.de